R.T. Kendall
By the Author
R. T. Kendall: In Pursuit of His Wisdom, Did You Think to Pray?, Out of the Comfort Zone
A collection of three wonderfully enriching books from the bestselling author R.T. Kendall. This bundle looks at foundational aspects of the Christian faith - from…
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R. T. Kendall: Total Forgiveness, Totally Forgiving Ourselves, Totally Forgiving God
'If I could have only one of R. T.'s books, this would be my choice. There is no more important message for the church today'…
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The Excellent Way
THE EXCELLENT WAY is an anthology of readings from popular author R. T. Kendall that gives his readers a fresh word from God for each…
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In Pursuit of His Wisdom
We all want to live a good life - but how do we go about doing so? Much-loved author R. T. Kendall urges us to…
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Totally Forgiving God
It's one of the most difficult questions that Christians face, and a problem that keeps many away from faith: why does a good God allow…
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The Scandal of Christianity
Too often these days Christianity is seen as just part of our cultural background, rather than a living, breathing faith that sets out to challenge…
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Pure Joy
'The Christian faith and message promise joy - pure joy. Not what people call happiness, but joy. Not health or wealth, but joy. Not an…
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The Lord’s Prayer
Bringing his insightful and down-to-earth approach to bear on the topic of The Lord's Prayer, R.T. Kendall opens up new depths in this short prayer,…
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The Sin No One Talks About (Jealousy)
Jealousy is something that we all have to deal with - both in ourselves and in others. Rooted in our natural fears and insecurities, it…
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Total Forgiveness
'Few recently published books have made a greater impression on me than R. T. Kendall's Total Forgiveness,' writes Robin Eames. 'I have found so much…
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Second Chance
'God can use anybody. If he could use Peter, Moses, Jonah, David, Judah or Gideon, he can use you and me.' The empowering new book…
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Did You Think to Pray?
Children spell love T-I-M-E. What if God spells love T-I-M-E? The brilliant new book by bestselling Christian writer, R. T. Kendall. Prayer is one of…
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Totally Forgiving Ourselves
R. T. Kendall's TOTAL FORGIVENESS touched a raw nerve amongst Christian readers and rapidly became this prolific writer's fastest- and bestselling book. It still sells…
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Your Words Have Power
'I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.' (Matthew 12:36) R.…
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The Christian and the Pharisee
What starts as Rabbi David Rosen's staunch defence of his tradition against Dr R. T. Kendall's use of 'Pharisee' as a derogatory term blossoms into…
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Out of the Comfort Zone: Is Your God Too Nice?
Many Christians are today sitting happily in the middle of their personal comfort zones, and feel God has confirmed their right to be there. But…
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The Thorn in the Flesh
In 2 Corinthians 12: 7 Paul makes the extraordinary admission that he was given a 'thorn in the flesh'. Although we can never be sure…
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Thanking God
'What God does for us every day is a thousand times more than what the best of friends and neighbours do for us. 'The question…
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The Anointing
Although many of us long to be blessed by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, R. T. Kendall believes it is possible to abuse this…
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In Pursuit of His Glory
In Pursuit of His Glory is a revealing and moving personal account of R T Kendall's eventful and often turbulent 25-year tenure as Minister of…